"The RZD-Partner International" magazine informs its readers about the new trends and prognoses of Russian transport sector development, publishes analytical articles and comments of key figures in the transport sector, and covers the whole range of problems related to railway transportation process;
The magazine informs its readers about the new trends and prognoses of Russian transport sector development, publishes analytical articles and comments of key figures in the transport sector, and covers the whole range of problems related to railway transportation process;
- provides extensive coverage of the activity of Russian Railways JSC, investments in large projects carried out in Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic states, development and manufacture of rolling stock, and directions of Russian transport companies’ technical policy;
- contains a lot of statistics information about the volume and directions of transportation, the number of produced and written-off railcars.
Copyright © 2002-2025 Учредитель ООО «Редакция журнала «РЖД-Партнер»
Информационное агентство «РЖД-Партнер.РУ»
Главный редактор Ретюнин А.С.
адрес электронной почты rzdp@rzd-partner.ru телефон редакции +7 (812) 418-34-92; +7 (812) 418-34-90
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Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ИА № ФС77-22819 от 11 января 2006 г., выдано Федеральной службой по надзору за соблюдением законодательства в сфере массовых коммуникаций и охране культурного наследия.
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